It’s OK to Disagree

In every relationship, partners are going to have disagreements from time-to-time. However, how they handle a disagreement can make a big difference. Disagreements Happen When partners disagree, they will try to convince the other partner that their side is right. Of course, this leads to conflict. Still, what if partners tried something different?  Instead, they…


Do you feel stressed and burned out trying to achieve perfection? Perhaps it is time to surrender. Strategies for Surrender Surrender means finding acceptance with both yourself and where you are at in the moment.  Instead of trying to force a situation to occur, you surrender to where life is taking you. You can do…

Assessing Angry Couples

Assessment is helpful when working with a “hostile angry couple.” This can be done by looking at their motivations surrounding therapy. Assessing opportunity for change Motivated partners want change. They do homework assignments outside of sessions. They set goals. Unmotivated partners do not play an active role in therapy. Instead, they feel defensive. They feel blamed…