4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Doctor Visits

Your appointment time is vital for your ongoing health. Stay focused, be honest, and have questions clearly answered. Take notes and follow up if necessary. Follow these key guidelines for a fully prepared exam: 1) List any symptoms thoroughly. A symptom diary, including correlating diet habits, activities, or treatments, may be helpful. 2) Gather your medical history.  Note serious diseases, chronic conditions, mental health issues, or treated injuries. Include as much information regarding medical treatment as possible. 3) Make a list of medications you have used.  Provide information regarding prescriptions, supplements, over the counter drugs, and allergies. 4) Bring all your meds and supplements. This presents a full picture for your doctor. 

Read the fill article here: 4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Doctor Visits – Dr Weil’s Daily Health Tips – Natural Health Information