8 Things to Include in a Mood Journal

If you suffer a mood disorder, stabilizing your emotions is a tall order. A mood journal may be a real benefit in helping your recognize and manage your moods. Consider including the following ideas in your journal:

1.     The date. Keep track of days and time of year to get a sense of how time affects your mood.

2.     Sleep. Record how much and how well you slept to determine how sleep patterns impact you.

3.     Menstruation. Record your cycle and correlating moods.

4.     Mood code. Record your mood with a ranking or number to indicate how sad or upbeat you are.

Read full article for more journal ideas regarding mood descriptions, triggers, and medications.

Read the full article here: 8 Things to Include in a Mood Journal, Healthy Mind, Hope, Emotional Well-Being, Wellness, Living Better and with Joy – Beliefnet.com