Guaifenesin for Fibromyalgia?
Is guaifenesin an effective treatment for fibromyalgia? Not so much, says Dr. Andrew Weil. Guaifenesin has been promoted in recent years as a natural treatment for the chronic pain condition marked by aches and stiffness. Proponents claim that guaifenesin rids muscles, tendons, joints, and other tissues of calcium phosphate deposits due to kidney trouble. However, the idea that calcium phosphate deposits contribute to fibromyalgia has not been proven. There actually isn’t one study published demonstrating that guaifenesin is an effective fibromyalgia treatment. The only research Dr. Weil found was a yearlong, double-blinded, placebo-controlled investigation, conducted by Robert M. Bennett, M.D., (now retired) in 1996. Results showed no difference between guaifenesin and placebo for fibromyalgia treatment.
Read the full article here: Guaifenesin for Fibromyalgia? – Ask Dr. Weil