Three Happiness Poisoning, Toxic Beliefs and Their Antidotes
Could there be things you believe that rob you of happiness?
Here are three happiness poisonings and their antidotes:
Believing it’s healthy to blow off steam – Expressing your feelings with excessive aggression or hostility can damage relationships and leads to more anger. Instead, learn to express your anger in a healthier way.
Believing total honesty is always best – Blunt expressions of honesty that are hurtful to people are not a good thing. Instead, display some tact and diplomacy when addressing delicate matters.
Believing that you must be perfect – This results in negativity, self-criticism, and emotional distress. Instead, accept your imperfections and limitations, and don’t expect too much of yourself.
Read the full article here: Three Happiness Poisoning, Toxic Beliefs and Their Antidotes