Assessing Angry Couples

Assessment is helpful when working with a “hostile angry couple.” This can be done by looking at their motivations surrounding therapy. Assessing opportunity for change Motivated partners want change. They do homework assignments outside of sessions. They set goals. Unmotivated partners do not play an active role in therapy. Instead, they feel defensive. They feel blamed…


Just about everybody in life will feel alienated from other people. But why? Feeling Like You Don’t Belong We feel alienated when we are rejected by others. This could be when we are kids on the playground or as adults. In fact, early rejection can have lasting effects. It makes it harder for people who…

How to Be Happy Again

Are you struggling with finding happiness after having depression? Consider these ideas: Habits for Increased Happiness First, allow yourself the time to feel sad. Second, begin to slowly start doing things that you once enjoyed. Break this up into small activities to make it easier and less exhausting. Celebrate the victories, even if they are little…

The Enneatype Six

The Enneatype Six is one of several emotional patterns. This one, in particular, is highlighted with anxiety. Sixes: Anxious Helpers People who are Enneatype Six experience worries focused on the worst-case scenarios. They also struggle with the belief that other people don’t care for them. This starts in childhood and can be carried on into…